Millennial Ways of Cheating: What to Watch Out

As private Investigators in Australia, we’ve seen a big rise in infidelity-related cases in the nation. It’s not just older couples who are having affairs. It’s the younger millennial generation as well. People in committed relationships are known to cheat on their partners for different reasons. Some pursue extramarital affairs to meet their sexual needs. Others cheat because they want to feel emotionally satisfied. Many people also do it because they’re suffering from marital boredom. The experts suggest that nearly 70% of all marriages experience an affair. Interestingly, there is a slight difference in what’s considered immoral among people of different age groups.

Is My Partner Cheating?

Although people in Australia are more tolerant of premarital sex, they strongly disapprove extramarital relations. Millennials often hold more traditional attitudes than the older generation and want their relationships to remain stable and safe. They consider ‘flirting,’ ‘sending suggestive text messages,’ and ‘having dinner with someone without their partner’s knowledge’ as unfaithful extramarital involvement. Millennials are also more likely to use social media platforms like Facebook and online dating sites to communicate with other people privately.

What to Watch Out For

If you think your partner is keeping a secret from you, you ought to watch out for a few subtle signs that could indicate whether they’re having an affair or not.

  • You notice a sudden change in their appearance and the way they dress. They usually do everything they can to look better and impress the other person.
  • They always guard their phones and computers, reset the passwords on their devices, fail to reveal their new passwords and deny access to their phones.
  • They might acquire a new phone to communicate in private and even sign up for a separate credit card.
  • They delete all history on their phones and portable communication devices.
  • You’ll often find them “running a bit late from work” or “caught up in work-related issues.”
  • They shower you with gifts for no reason. This usually indicates they’re guilty about something and they’re trying to make up for it.
  • They prefer spending time online or on social media and ditch spending time with the family or kids.
  • You can’t reach them on their phones, and they don’t offer you a reasonable explanation about their whereabouts.
  • They tell you they’re pursuing a new hobby, one that doesn’t involve you.
  • They prefer doing their own laundry for fear of you finding evidence on their clothes or in their pockets.

Affairs have a disastrous effect on marriages. Here at Infidelity Investigators, we’ve helped people uncover the truth and make informed decisions by carrying our professional and discreet investigations. With our spy gadgets, tracking devices, and experience, we can tell you whether your spouse is engaging in acts of infidelity behind your back.

Stop obsessing over your partner’s strange behaviour and ask for our help.

Call us on 1300 979 621 for a discreet conversation and put your mind at ease.




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