Is your partner cheating on you? Speak to a specialist Private Investigator today! Call 1300 979 621

We Catch Cheating Partners!

Specialist Infidelity Private Investigators

Surveillance Investigation in Australia

When you suspect that your partner is cheating on you, life soon starts to feel uncomfortable. As your suspicions arise, they become increasingly more difficult to ignore. The urge to gain clarity begins to take over, causing your relationship to suffer.

One way to gain clarity is through physical surveillance. Using a surveillance investigator, you can discover whether your partner is where they say they are. With the evidence you gather, it’s possible to push your divorce case forward and move onto a quieter life. If it transpires your partner is innocent, you can move forward with peace of mind.

Signs that you need a private investigator

Around 47% of Australians admit to cheating. An even larger number admits to engaging in an emotional affair.

If your gut is telling you that something is wrong, you’re probably right. However, it isn’t possible to act on a gut feeling alone. You need to recognise the tell-tale signs of infidelity too. Some of the most common signs include:

  • They’re taking better care of their appearance
  • They’re deleting their Internet history
  • They ignore your calls or texts
  • You’re having a lot less sex or a lot more sex
  • They act hostile towards you and become overly critical
  • They’re suddenly working late or working away
  • They have unexplained expenses
  • They like to avoid talking about infidelity

When your partner shows any of the signs above, don’t alert them to your suspicions. Letting them know you’re aware they’re behaving suspiciously makes them cover their tracks. Instead, turn to a surveillance private investigator and uncover the truth. At the very least, you’ll benefit from the reassurance that nothing untoward is happening.

Approaching surveillance with caution

The thought that someone is cheating on you evokes powerful emotions. As anger, hurt, and frustration start to bubble over, it’s tempting to take rash actions. Such actions could include engaging in physical surveillance yourself. Or, hiring someone who doesn’t adhere to Australia’s laws.

Physical surveillance is legal to conduct when licensed. At Infidelity Investigators, our surveillance investigators know how to conduct legal investigations. We’re proud of our track record and reputation. While working on your behalf, we’ll always keep your needs in mind.

Although we work up to the legal limit, we never break the law. We understand that you may want to use your evidence in court proceedings. Because of this, we won’t put you in a position where you’re accused of acting illegally.

A diverse range of operatives who can act in any environment

At Infidelity Investigators, our clients come from all walks of life. Physical surveillance often requires us to be close to your spouse, without them knowing why we’re there. As a result, we need to fit into almost any environment. Our investigative team is diverse enough to blend into any cultural setting.

Like all great physical surveillance teams, we also vary the individuals we hire according to their previous careers. From military personnel through to former police officers, each one brings unique insights to their role. We forge a close relationship with them too. Thanks to those close relationships, we always assign the most appropriate agent available to your case.

Types of surveillance and how we use them

At Infidelity Investigators, we rely on various types of surveillance. Naturally, we can’t reveal all the tricks of our trade here. However, we know you want an insight into how we work, so we can give some basic details.

Our presence

Much of our surveillance depends on the information you give us. For example, if you suspect someone is going to be in a certain place, we can go there.

Our presence around your spouse allows us to discover where they really are. It also helps us identify what they’re doing there and who they’re meeting. We’ll provide you with as much detail as we can.

Advanced technology

Thanks to long-lens cameras, we can look at your spouse from a distance. We can capture photos that will act as evidence. Our cameras also feature 4K video recording. This type of video provides unparalleled levels of detail, which you can use to your advantage.

Your information

While it may sound obvious, the information you give to us is invaluable. We need to know places, names, times and anything else you think is important. Using the details, you provide us with, we can decide whether to conduct our investigation by foot, in a car or from a distance.

How our surveillance investigators work

All our surveillance investigators will begin their work by conducting a phone consultation with you. They’ll find out what your suspicions are. This is also their opportunity to learn about where your spouse may be and what they might be doing.

Your surveillance investigator will then perform some quick checks to make sure all the information is accurate. From there, they’ll begin building their investigation plan. This may involve familiarizing themselves with the environment they’ll be in and the challenges it poses. The planning process also requires them to decide on the type of equipment they’ll use, as well as their tactics.

During the investigation, we’ll take notes and capture evidence. The length of the investigation varies between cases. However, we can provide periodic updates for your peace of mind.

The importance of choosing a professional investigator

Remaining inconspicuous is harder than it may sound. When you hire a professional, you’re hiring someone who knows how to remain undetected. If you use someone without the right training, you risk getting caught.

Getting caught in the middle of an investigation has worrying consequences. If your spouse becomes aware that you’re investigating them, they may go to great lengths to hide their infidelities. Additionally, it may cause further friction within your relationship.

At Infidelity Investigators, we’re a team of professionals who never compromise our clients’ safety. We act with the utmost discretion and we always carry out investigations that are legal. With the physical surveillance evidence we provide, you can unearth the truth about your partner and put your concerns to rest.

If you want to discuss our physical surveillance services, call 1300 979 621 today.


    I had never spoken to a PI before calling Infidelity Investigators. At the time I was incredibly scared and nervous as I did not know what to expect. Infidelity Investigators were amazing. They provided me support through one of the hardest periods of my life. The team gathered irrefutable surveillance evidence of my husband of 25 years cheating on me with a colleague from his work"


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