Cheating on the Rise with the Festive Season

With the holidays, festivities, and warmer weather quickly approaching, your to-do list is probably growing with things to fix at the house before family arrives, gifts to buy, and new recipes to try. Or, maybe you are excited to finally get some time off work to travel and catch up on your sleep. You are working hard to finish those year-end projects at the office, so your mind stays pretty preoccupied with thoughts. Probably the last thought on your mind is the possibility that your significant other might be cheating on you. You know that you’ve been busy and that the romance has fallen off the radar, but you would never consider they would go looking for love in all the wrong places during all the wrong times. But, unfortunately, it is something you should keep in mind as cheating is always on the rise during the festive season. As the warmer weather comes on, the clothes might just start coming off. Now, more than ever, you might just need a private investigator to check up on the credibility of that holiday shopping your significant other claims to be doing. Why is cheating on the rise during the holidays? One of the main reasons that people overlook cheating during the holidays is because they are simply too busy to notice a difference. Why exactly is it that so many people decide to cheat during the holidays anyway? They feel ignored. Feeling ignored often stems from the craziness of the holidays and everyone is busy. However, they could be feeling this way all the time and it just increases during the festive season as life gets even busier. But, when someone feels ignored, in turn, their needs are not being met. And, if their needs are not being met, then they need to go somewhere else to get that attention.

They don’t like how they are being treated.

Aside from not having their needs met, one of the most common reasons for someone cheating is that they are unhappy. They might feel disrespected or like their partner nags them too much. But, regardless of what it is they don’t like, they will often seek someone who does not make them feel this way. So, while you are focussed on your long list of to-do’s, you might unknowingly be extra moody when you are around your partner, causing them to feel like they are walking on egg shells. And, unfortunately, this could lead them to participate in unwanted extracurricular activities, such as cheating.

They are unhappy.

Being unhappy is what it all boils down to – their needs are not being met, they don’t like how they are being treated, and so, they are just unhappy. Or, it could even be because of another issue, but the holidays are just reminding them of how unhappy they are. As they see everyone laughing and enjoying their relationships and their families, they are reminded that they still want something more.

They are easily tempted.

During the warmer weather, the clothing choices of people does not often consist of big sweaters and scarfs. Instead, it consists more of tank tops and short shorts. As a result of less clothing, people might find themselves more tempted to look a little further than a first glance. The warmer months also bring out the best in people – they find themselves happier and more social, therefore more likely to mingle with new people. A backyard cookout, pool party, or late night hang-out might go a little further than expected during the warmer months. Cheating often happens when you least expect it to. Even though you are busy during the festive season, watch out for signs that something could be wrong and know when it is time to enlist the help of a private detective who specialises in catching cheaters.




    Cheating Whilst Travelling

    Infidelity is always a threat in some relationships as people begin to feel as though their significant other is not quite meeting all their needs, or maybe they enjoy the thrill, or they just simply give into the temptation of the other party and enjoy it. However, infidelity most commonly occurs when there is the perfect opportunity to do so, such as whilst travelling.

    Why do people cheat whilst travelling?

    Travelling seems to provide the perfect alibi as it gives the unfaithful partner a reason to go out of town. Whether it be for work or just for pleasure, they can let the other partner know where they will be, without triggering any questions. But, a cheating spouse who frequently travels can also create a whole new world of challenges – leaving you needing a private investigator in Sydney who specialises in catching cheaters. Cheaters often feel that because they are in a different area they are safe from you seeing them or someone they know seeing them. But, they often forget about the possibility of a private investigator.

    What are the most common settings?

    Business travel is the most common setting for infidelity to occur. It provides the cheating partner with the perfect cover for an affair – they have a valid reason to go out of town and often might even be able to claim they will be unavailable due to meetings and such, without question. They know the other partner will likely not object to the trip since it is work-related. However, one of the main concerns with a work trip is that affairs often start and prosper at work with co-workers. Then, conveniently enough, co-workers often are required to travel together. This gives them the opportunity to cheat without you even batting an eye. On the other hand, the same problem can occur even when the trip is not for business. The cheating partner could go on an out-of-town trip for vacation or other personal reasons, which also gives them the perfect opportunity for infidelity. An out-of-town trip provides the easiest way for someone to have an affair without the fear of being recognised. The cheating spouse can take their lover out in public without the fear of running into their significant other or anyone else who might know them.

    Signs they are cheating whilst travelling:

    Their trips are suddenly lasting longer.Have their business trips been gradually getting longer? At first, it was just a quick, overnight trip and now it has somehow turned into a week-long event.Sometimes, a cheating partner will gradually add just a day or two on to a legitimate business trip so they can spend extra time with their lover or have time for a local fling. They never ask you to tag along.Of course, it is not always appropriate or even feasible for a significant other to go on a business trip with their partner. However, there are times when a trip is obviously for two, such as a company picnic or annual event.Is your partner purposefully not inviting you? They might even pass it off as a way to save money or they just conveniently forgot to tell you early enough for you to ask off work. A private detective can help determine if they are giving someone else their “plus one.” While cheating might seem like one of those things that would never happen to you, it is often lurking in the darkness of many relationships – sometimes in the ones you’d least expect it to. If you notice signs that your significant other might be being unfaithful, it is worth looking into to put your mind at ease and get the answers you deserve. No matter what the issue is, it is time to get down to the bottom of it. A private investigator in Brisbane, Sydney, or other areas can offer you just the help you need.




      Today’s Social Media Cheating

      Facebook and several other social media platforms have made it so much easier for people to establish and maintain interpersonal connections. Experts, however, say that these same networks make it much easier for people to cheat on their spouses or partners. People who are willing and motivated to engage in immoral behaviour can quickly and easily exchange sexual messages right from their smartphones with anyone in any part of the world. Cheating in the digital age is effortless. With the internet and social media platforms, past lovers are only a click away. Couples, however, disagree on what it means to be unfaithful. While some view their online behaviours such as looking up a former lover as normal, others consider it a big threat to their marriage. So what does social media cheating entail, especially in this highly digital age?

      Infidelity in the Social Media Age


      In our digital age, the term infidelity includes romantic or sexual relationships (with someone other than the spouse) that stem from online communications that occur through social media platforms, chat-rooms, and online dating sites. Internet infidelity is a real thing, and it’s affecting people’s marriages and relationships. With more than 5000 dating sites established all over the world, the opportunities for flirting and having casual and discreet encounters have multiplied. People who become romantically involved online are known to detach themselves emotionally from their real life partners and end up taking note of their partner’s shortcomings instead. The emotional consequences of online liaisons and their impact on existing relationships are severe. As private investigators in Australia, we have seen a big rise in the number of social media cheating cases in the nation. Social networking sites do serve as a means for people to communicate privately and that’s one of the main reasons why people are using them to pursue extramarital relations.

      Is Your Partner Using Social Media to Cheat on You? The Signs:


      • They might stay up late at night chatting or messaging so called “friends.” You might even be surprised to find them online in the wee hours of the morning.
      • They delete messages on their Facebook/Twitter or similar accounts in an effort to hide their online alliances.
      • They become extremely possessive of their smartphones and go to great lengths to prevent you from accessing their phones/computers.
      • They’re reluctant to have you as a friend on their social media networking sites.
      • They nickname or use code names for the people they’re having online affairs with in order to keep their matters private. If you go through their phones, you might discover that they’ve sent pictures of themselves to these “friends” with seemingly normal names.

      Here at Infidelity Investigators, we understand how emotionally disturbing it is to deal with doubts and infidelity-related concerns. We have the latest search techniques and the best expertise to track a suspect’s social media activity and create comprehensive social media investigation reports. Our private investigators know how to uncover hard-to-find information and even retrieve deleted messages. We can help you put an immediate end to your anxiety.

      Call us on 1300 979 621 to uncover the truth





        The Cycle of Cheating in a Relationship

        Experts say that the chances of infidelity in a relationship are as high as 25 percent. Many research studies try to reveal the prevalence of infidelity in society. While some studies suggest that half of all people in a relationship cheat, others suggest that people who cheat once are 3 ½ times more likely to cheat in other relationships as well. Sadly, there are real people behind these statistics, some who are more likely to be betrayed by their partners again. Infidelity shatters people and leaves them feeling alone and angry. So why does this cycle of infidelity happen and how can you break it?

        The Truth about Cheating in a Relationship

        Researchers have been trying to understand how people “process infidelity.” They believe that couples need to become more realistic about the viability of maintaining a monogamous relationship. Although the rates of cheating in society haven’t changed much, the opportunities for finding partners have grown because of the Internet. Social media networking and dating sites have made it much easier for people to fall out of their long term committed relationships. Cheating victims, therefore, need to know how to pick the right partner and break the cycle of infidelity. As for married victims, they need to find out what’s causing their partner to cheat on them repeatedly.

        Breaking the Cycle of Infidelity:

        • Engage your head before you fall in love with someone.
        • If you’re looking for dating partners online, do a background check on a potential partner to verify their authenticity.
        • Hire a private investigator to determine whether the person you’re interested in is who they say they are. Investigators can uncover hidden facts about the subject’s past and give you the information you need to make informed decisions.
        • If you’re married and doubting your husband, ask the professionals to investigate the matter. Investigators have highly sophisticated spy gadgets and know how to follow subjects even after dark discreetly. They’ll give you the evidence you require to break the cycle of infidelity.
        • Look for clues or signs of infidelity in your relationship. Your partner may be reluctant to share their phones or devices. They may even register for a separate credit card to satisfy their extramarital appetite.
        At Infidelity Investigators, we have helped many people find out whether their partners were unfaithful to them. We understand the delicate nature of these personal matters and know how to handle them discreetly and professionally. If you’re tired of dealing with doubt and anxiety in your relationship, get our help. Call us at 1300 979 621 for a private conversation.
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