Louise approached Infidelity Investigators after her suspicions were raised by her husband.

Having previously caught him cheating, Louise was always cautious and sensitive to the signs he showed during his last affair. Adding a new password to his mobile phone, texting ‘a mate from work’ on a daily basis and acting emotionally distant were all red flags so finding out what was going on was a necessity.

We discussed the matter with Louise and chose her husband’s upcoming and unusually long interstate business trip to Perth as a prime opportunity for surveillance.

On the first day our background team conducted a number of discrete inquires with the hotel in Perth that was hosting the conference to ascertain the relevant dates. The dates that Louise’s husband had provided her did not match the duration of the conference – it was on for two days however he had claimed it was on for five. With this information we arranged for surveillance to start on the final day of the conference. The following morning our Operatives observed the Subject and a female colleague checking out of the hotel together and travelling in a hire car to a nearby beach holiday destination where they were clearly observed to be in an intimate relationship; going on romantic dinner dates and continually showing affection to each other.

Louise was heartbroken and angered by her husband’s dishonest actions and with our detailed report that was provided to her, including photographs and a DVD of the footage we obtained, she approached him and ended their marriage with the confidence of knowing he was a serial cheater.

*Names of Clients have been changed to protect their identities*

